Notice tiny solid skin bumps under your eyes? No, it’s not acne or whiteheads. It’s called syringoma. It sounds intimidating especially since it ends with ‘-oma’ suggesting its tumor-like nature. So is it actually a tumor? Well I’d like to say no but it really is a kind of tumor.
What is syringoma?
Syringomas are benign tumors of eccrine origin commonly found around (usually below) the eyes . The sweat glands around the eyes are the common sites of transformation into syringoma but the eruptive type of syringoma may involve several parts of the body.
So how do you treat syringoma?
Treatments for syringoma include using creams or having the dermatologist do any of the following:
Excision: the dermatologist will use a small scalpel to cut and take out the syringoma one by one. This might take a long time and may hurt especially if it is deep which is why anesthesia is sometimes needed.
Electrodessication and curettage: electrodessication means ‘burning’ the area using electric current and the curettage part simply means that the syringoma will be scraped down. The 2 techniques will be repeated alternately until the doctor is satisfied that the syringoma plus a little of the normal skin area is clear.
Dermabrasion: this is a milder form of scraping; doctors may use diamond-tipped pens to abrade the surface of the syringoma until it looks flat.
CO2 laser: the laser kills tumor cells. Application of 50% trichloroacetic acid may be done after the laser; this was said to be effective for removing deep-seated syringoma cells and for reducing the side effects like scarring.
What’s difficult with the treatment of syringoma is that they recur or scars form after treatment. In one study, the CO2 laser was used and results were successful; there were no recurrences within 2 years after therapy and there was no scarring. However, physicians report that the side effect included prolonged reddening of the treatment site and repeat sessions were sometimes needed. CO2 laser treatment is quite costly but its safe, long effect and non-scarring qualities make it a good choice over other treatments.
In another study, electrodessication—in short bursts and low voltage—was used to treat a patient. It turned out to be as effective as the CO2 laser in terms of having no recurrence in 2 years but this study was only done on 1 patient. Plus this method is invasive and requires a needle insertion into the reticular dermis. It is also safe, non-scarring but in comparison with CO2 laser, this one’s quite painful and not recommended for people with low tolerance to pain.
Creams are also available for syringoma. The typical treatment involves retinol which resurfaces your skin. But some products lump the treatment together with warts and moles so that their creams would say ‘wart-mole-syringoma’ remover. I have not personally used these creams and don’t know the ingredients but from videos available over the net, these creams are powerful and sometimes dangerous. They can get deep into the skin and within a few weeks, your wart, mole or syringoma will just drop or peel off. That’s after enduring a few days of hiding from people because your wart/mole/syringoma will get darker. The creams are effective but they may also leave scars.
Well, it’s still best if the real users would testify to the syringoma creams and actually there are some good customer reviews online for some creams. Whatever the brands or clinics you use or go to, what’s important is that careful usage is needed to avoid the unwanted adverse effects of any of these treatments. With time, I’m sure you’ll find the right solution to your syringoma.
Dermatologic Surgery, 1999
International Journal of Dermatology, 1996
will there ever be a real easy cure.
It’s actually easy to just have it cauterized by the dermatologists but you’ll show up the next day to work or school with tiny burn marks on your face which can be embarassing. So the easiest way are the creams that are also used for warts and moles; it’s available in kits and the tiny bumps (whether warts, moles, syringoma) just fall off after a few days. But again, syringoma can return; but it doesn’t mean you should just forget treatment.
so even you do all this treatment, it will come back ???
unfortunately yes. But as I usually say, you shouldn’t stop treating something just because it comes back after some time. It’s a chronic condition.
I am working on the ship is it possibly to use the cream and while working it cant be irritated because of the dust i must say that i am going through..
Hi Cristina, I haven’t heard of an absolute contraindication to using the cream but you should just take extra precaution. If you’re going to use the cream, make sure you go to work with a patch to cover the spot or wear sunblock or a hat to cover your face from the sun. Please visit a dermatologist first to confirm if you really have syringoma because a lot of other diseases will mimic its appearance. Different skin conditions have different best treatments so please be careful! 🙂
i had my syringoma cauterized by a dermatologist many times, been doing this cauterization thing for like 15 years already but unfortunately it keeps coming back, it really takes a lot of pain to be beautiful esp. pain in the pocket, getting tired, wish there will be a magic cream for it to work on me Dr. Blight.
i just want to know that kind of cream for removing syringoma…
Hi, mharz. Well, there’s Naturalis Syringoma Treatment, Pristine Herbal Touch’s Wart and Mole Vanish and Nevi-Skin. I know there are more brands out there but if you have trouble buying them, I’m sure dermatologists have them all the time. Anyways, if you find a removal cream for moles, one application is usually enough for syringomas because they’re shallower.
Can anyone tell me which is best among the cream treatments?
hi dr,
I was wondering, is there any health steps that one can take that can improve the health of the sweat ducts and may prevent or heal the syringomas in the long run?
I have it under my eyes. I got it at 27 a while after having my first born whom I breast fed. During this time I also consumed relatively large amounts of soy proteien. I am also a bit lactose and insolin intolerant.
I really hope that there will be more information regarding this condition.
Thank you for all this info!
South Africa
Hi Saniek, thanks for your question. There is a type of syringoma associated with diabetes and high progesterone secretion which I thought of when you mentioned your insulin intolerance and current breastfeeding status. This is the clear cell syringoma; however there are VERY few cases of this and we cannot be definite that your syringoma is actually caused by your current diet/disease/breastfeeding. Well, with breastfeeding, if you are still doing it now, I shouldn’t stop you because of the benefits it has for your child. But if you’re done with breastfeeding, then that means progesterone isn’t that high anymore so we’re not expecting a lot of flaring of syringoma. This leaves us with diet. What I can advice is to change your diet a bit. There isn’t a clear cut connection between diet and syringoma but since you identified that you ate a lot of soy at the time, then i suggest you cut it down a bit and observe your skin for several weeks. No certain diet can prevent sweat ducts from turning into syringoma though.
Other things that can improve your overall skin condition is daily skin cleansing, moisturizing and minimal sun exposure by using a strong sun block. Hope this helped. 🙂
I am working on the ship is it possibly to use the cream and while working it cant be irritated because of the dust i must say that i am going through..
i’ve just had mine cauterized a week ago. it’s still healing. it’s painful but not the kind that would kill you. i only had to tell my dermatologist to stop for awhile in between. i look like i have chicken pox, quite embarrassing but i trust my doctor. she did my two nieces and my sister and they were all satisfied. just what my doctor said, no pain, no gain. just make sure you’re in good hands.
That is true, Criz. No pain, no gain 🙂 at least the pain was minimal. I’m sure your experience would help others decide on their treatment. Thanks!
I had mine cauterized. I stayed home for almost 2 weeks, didn’t go anywhere until the burns healed. The doctor did a good job. No scars. Of course, now they’re growing back but this time I’m thinking of trying the Nev-Skin treatment instead of cauterization. It wasn’t as painful at all with the cauterization. If I do the cauterization again, I’ll do it around Halloween.
How long did it take to grow back??
Studies show different answers based on the treatment you use. It could take syringomas as long as 2 years to recur. For further reading, please see my other article ‘Carbon Dioxide Laser for Syringoma'(
Jan from where did you get it done cuz i wanna get rid of it asap..
Hi, I am looking for a good dr to treat mine. Can you please send me the name of the dr who did your treatments….thanks
i also have syringoma. can you give me the name and the address of your dermatologist please? thanks.
hi my dermatologist gave me these numbers,011 7833110 for laser.
I already have my cauterization last April for my syringoma and now it appears again and much manier. what shall i do?
Now that you have more syringoma, it will be more difficult to cauterize them one by one again; and creams are hard to put on the syringoma as well (you’ll have to target them). Well, you can always have someone help you put the cream on:) The best advice would be to try dermabrasion; I’m not sure if you’ve consulted your dermatologist again recently, but he/she can discuss dermabrasion with you or help you decide among the other choices I’ve written in the article. Perhaps you should also take note/record the syringoma locations, that way you’re sure whether they really multiplied.
I have problemwith syringoma. I wantto try what isthat cream. I’ve already tried cauterization but Ican’t hold the pain. May you pleaserecommend what isthat effective cream? Please inform me too how much the cream cost. Thank you so much
there was syringomas present below the both eyelids… it was treated with electrocoagulation in 3 sittings…. but now it is again reoccured…what will be the best option for this.
If it recurred after electrocoagulation, it doesn’t mean you should change your treatment. You could go again and have it done the same way. But if you had any side effects that you absolutely cannot tolerate, like small temporary scabs, then you could try the creams.
can cauterization treat syringoma? I hope for kind reply. Thanks. Cristy
Yes, but there’s no permanent treatment for syringoma. Cauterization and other techniques will take care of it but it will recur later.
Hello. I had my syringoma cauterized last 3 weeks.
Some are color pinkish-brown. Is it normal? Will it disappear ?
& others are gone.
Is it advisable to undergo peeling solutions /dermabration after 1month of cauterization though some are still pinkish-brown?
If not, so When ?
How to get rid of this cauterized marks??
I mean how to get rid of these pinkish-brwon marks from cauterized syringoma???
It sounds like the syringoma wasn’t totally cauterized; if the marks are elevated then perhaps some portions of the sweat gland were left behind. However, it would be nicer if you had a photo of this. Another thing it could be are simple post-cauterization marks, especially if they’re flat. If this is the case, don’t worry, they will heal. Your healing may just have taken longer than usual because of several things: smoking, poor nutrition, lack of rest/sleep, etc…Try taking antioxidants, vitamins or zinc and I hope you don’t smoke?
Regarding the dermabrasion, I don’t see any contraindication to it. But try to observe for healing after you’ve tried the vitamins/zinc first. If there’s no improvement then you could go for the dermabrasion. Worse case is to expect bleeding from this if the pinkish brown spots are elevated. That’s totally fine because I think it will be easier to extract the syringoma if there’s a small cut (intentionally or not) made on the skin. Again, this will heal.
Hope this helped, Abby 🙂
Is it advisable for a diabetic to be treated w/ syringoma?
It’s okay as long as your diabetes is well controlled and not in the later stages.
i had electrodessication done to my syringomas and there were no improvements. do they need to increase the voltage to be effective?
i had these bumps under my eyes and i think its syringoma what is better the creams or the cauterize it ?
does the naturalis products work well???
How to remove my syringoma under my eyes.
I’ve had syringoma for more than 15years now. I read your article and I’m filled with hope. I’m just unfortunate to be in a country where all these methods may not be available. But I would like to ask if total removal of the eccrine sweat glands would help. If so, what’s the disadvantage of doing so? I have a problem with this thing recurring. Its on my face and its as if its spreading. I don’t want to do something dat would leave scars all over my face. Also, someone recommended garlic supplements. Will this help? Please I need help.
Hi Ivie! Regarding removal of sweat glands, there are many methods available. Perhaps you’re referring to the knife/scalpel removal of syringoma? The disadvantage here is possible scarring. But scars heal overtime and will do so quickly if you’re in relatively good health. Syringomas also recur with the other sweat glands on the face but of course, frequency of recurrence decreases as there are fewer glands left after excision.
Regarding garlic, there are not much studies on its effects on syringoma but here’s what I found: ‘oral administration of garlic is effective on immunologic properties, cutaneous microcirculation, protection against UVB and cancer treatment. Topical application of garlic extract can potentially be effective on psoriasis, alopecia areata, keloid scar, wound healing, cutaneous corn, viral and fungal infection, leishmaniasis, skin aging and rejuvenation. Clinical effectiveness of oral and topical garlic extract is not sufficiently and meticulously explored as so far.’ (Pazyar N and Feily A 2011. Garlic in dermatology. Dermatology Reports) That’s it. It’s not exactly effective for syringoma but at least it is good for some skin conditions and wound healing. Go ahead and take the supplements 🙂
I have really bad syringoma around my eyes on my neck and chest it was very hard actually figuring out what it was at 1st especially in my country Jamaica where a trip to a dermatologist can be extremely expensive so by time i found out what was really wrong with me the syringomas got so bad because of the heat here. Im just getting treatment and its going well so far but i just wished there was a fund or something to help more ppl who have the disease get treatment even though its considered to be a cosmetic surgery becuz 4 some ppl its almost like your entire face is covered in bumps and alot of ppl with the condition would love 2 have them removed but cannot afford it
Hi kimberly. Glad you’re able to start your treatment. I didn’t know dermatologic services are so expensive there 🙁 Well it’s true that it is considered cosmetic surgery for most and that’s because most people don’t get it as bad as your case. Hopefully your skin’s better now? Good luck with the rest of your treatment sessions:)
Hey again doctor my syringomas came back in the area that i did my patch test and because of how bad they are the dermatologist basically said that i should leave them alone and try make up because i might have terrible scarring after. She also made it clear that she didnt wanna be responsible for ” Spoiling my face” however i cant just leave them alone i am 18 years old and this really affects my confidence especially when people ask me alot of questions about them DAILY………..DO YOU KNOW OF ANY NATURAL REMEDIES OR ANY GOOD FACE CREAMES???
Hi Kimberly,
Not sure if you’ve found any remedies yet, I also suffer from syringomas. I was treated by an esthetician with Desyringoma cream here in the USA. It worked but you must be VERY careful as it burns off the syringomas down to the root. You will look terrible for at least 10 days. I had this done 3 months ago and so far I do not see much recurrence, however, I still have some minor scarring that I’m hoping will heal. Although this procedure helped me, it took a long time to heal. I will probably do it again but I am hoping that will not be necessary for a few years. The video below is of a lady who is confident despite her syringomas. I am trying to develop her attitude because as frustrating as syringomas are, there are many worse conditions out there! Hope this helped.
Hi Kimberly , I am in Jamaica too. Please tell me where u got it done…Please
how it can be cure? is there any cream to cure this ? i ma from nepal. is ther any facility in the nepal?
hi..i just had a syringoma removal almost a month now and im abit worried because of the visibility of the long would it takes to remove the scar or do i still need to do the scar removal tratment?
No need to undergo scar removal treatment. If you’re a healthy person, it will heal by about 1.5- 2 weeks. Try taking multivitamins to boost healing.
where we can buy that product and its cost? is it available in the Philippines?
If you don’t have a dermatologist, maybe you should try to order it online. I’m not sure if there are stores that sell it in the Philippines.
I’ve had syringoma since I was a baby. I’m 33 now and have never had any treatment for them. It first started spreading around my eyes and neck… Then on the back of my knees, thighs and now arms. It keeps on getting worse and worse and I would like to know if its because I sweat a lot. I would also appreciate any advice as to where I should start because I have several clusters that most creams say to not use them on.
I have really bad syringoma around my eyes and it is from my childhood period.
i went for surgary approx 4 times. it seems good just for few months but again it apears very badly.
can anyone suggest me how can it remove.
is there any cream for syringoma
I’m 22 years old female college students is
Lower abdomen syringoma springing from the baby when he is more prevalent on the neck. In Korea, the cost of the laser treatment method is only too expensive, you can not.
Increasingly spreading in the body unsightly and pain, but I really would like to die
Syringoma does not typically cause pain; in fact I don’t know of anyone experiencing painful syringoma. Most probably what you have is something worse. Please have it checked by a dermatologist. Try reading this and see if you have similar appearance :
I had electrodessication done on my syringomas. It didn’t do anything. Should the voltage be increased ??
I had electrodessication done on my syringomas. It didn’t do anything. Should the voltage be increased ?? If what is it recommend?
Low voltage electrocoagulation/dessication with high frequency is enough to give good results; high frequency means dual-frequency 4-MHz. You can read this to help-
i started to notice several bumps under my eyes when i was in high school. sometimes it matures and makes white deposits which i prick with a needle or safety pin. now i’m 37 and the bumps scatters around my eyes and forehead so i went to see a dermatologist. i’ve known that these bumps are syringoma and doc says to spot test it first to see whether it’ll leave a deep scar or not but now that i’ve read about its recurrence in about two years i’m in dilemma whether to go through the treatment or not. is it okey not to have it remove or go through the treatment and pray hard for non-recurrence?
I’m had electrodessication done on my syringomas. There were not improvemts. What should I do?? Should they increase the voltage to be effective? Please help!!!!!
how do i pay for co2 laser treatment?
i have also a syringoma below of my eyes, it starts when im in college. what is the reason why a person got this syringoma?I’m ashamed to face my me how can i remove this.
i also hv syringoma and it really affect my social life. they say its in my genes but my sisters dont have this? i want to undergo treatment but i hve my dilemma. but i really to get rid off it.
What’s your dilemma by the way?
I have been suffering from Syringoma for more than 20 years now. Initially it couldnot be detected what it is . By the time i started some treatment it was already late. I did catarization about 5 years ago but it has recurred and now i hv them all over my face. I feel very embarassed at times specially in parties when people ask me about it. I wish there is a permanent treatment for this.
hello. I want to ask I have a problem syringoma around my eyes as white spots I’ve made every month of treatment in government hospitals. they use the laser treatment but still to no avail. now I have given up to continue my treatment. the question of whether the problem will go away or syringoma we can only prevent only. and can you recommend a place to treat syringoma in malaysia? and I want to know whether the problem is classified diseased syringoma or cosmetics?
I think it’s both a cosmetic and pathologic condition. For some, it only bothers them because of how it looks but for others, it can be quite itchy and socially impairing depending on the severity. Im sorry but I’m not really familiar with Malaysian clinics but if you say laser doesn’t work for you, then look for something else. Perhaps cautery or extraction of the syringoma would be better in your case.
Hi there,
What kind of creme can help in removing syringoma?
Are the Naturalis products well proven?
Hi there,
What kind of cream can help in removing syringoma?
Are the Naturalis products well proven?
I personally haven’t tried the Naturalis products so I can’t say if it would work. Someone would have to enlighten us here.
I ordered Naturalis in Feb it took two months before I got it, used it I still have the syringoma’s money wasted.